Our advanced scripting techniques aid in seamless control of these powerful and critically-acclaimed sounds

In partnership with Evolution Series, his unique expertise enriches every instrument, offering an unparalleled immersion into the vibrant tapestry of European drums.

arrow_right Multiple velocities and round-robin
arrow_right Bodhran, Group Hand Claps, 2 Hand Cymbals, Jews Harp, Kick, Timpani
arrow_right 4 Military Snares, 8 Toms, 3 Octoban, Orchestral Bass Drum, 2 Orchestral Gongs
arrow_right 4 Orchestral Snares, 6 Roto Toms, 2 Suspended Cymbals, Thunder Tube
arrow_right Soulful performances that have a raw and human quality
arrow_right The spirit of European percussion
arrow_right All samples at 48khz 24bit
arrow_right World-class scoring stage
arrow_right Recorded with state-of-the-art equipment
arrow_right Multi-mic setup controlled via the virtual scoring stage

In other words, if you don't own Kontakt no problem! The free player comes with this library.
This provides seamless integration with their technology for an intuitive workflow.


arrow_right 7200 RPM HDD or faster (non energy saving) ** SSD for improved sample streaming
arrow_right Mac OS X (64-bit only): Stand-alone, VST, AU, AAX
arrow_right 25.28GB free hard drive space (Compressed)
arrow_right Supports NKS 2.0
arrow_right Works with the latest free Kontakt 7 player
arrow_right 7200 RPM HDD or faster (non energy saving) ** SSD for improved sample streaming
arrow_right Windows (64-bit only): Stand-alone, VST, AAX
arrow_right 25.28GB free hard drive space (Compressed)
arrow_right Supports NKS 2.0
arrow_right Works with the latest free Kontakt 7 player

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