Sample Licensing Agreement

Terms and Conditions of Use

Sample Licensing agreement

For software products produced by Pulse Creation Productions Pty Ltd (Evolution Series) the Australian Copyright Act is effective.
All other Software products sold and/or distributed by Evolution Series are subject to the license agreement which is part of the respective software installer.

The samples and programs contained in any software/library produced by Evolution Series are licensed to the owner/buyer of the product only. Only the purchaser of this CD, DVD, Hard-drive, or digital download is authorized to use the sounds for his music, multimedia, film, radio, games, webcast or similar productions and only as long as no isolated samples, loops or phrases become available for a third party.

It is not allowed to use the samples and programs within a network if this opens the possibility to be used simultaneously by multiple users.

Unauthorized copying, reproduction (including conversion and reproduction in other data formats), hire, rental, public performance, broadcasting and distribution is expressly prohibited. Evolution Series constantly monitors other soundware releases to check for copyright infringements, and will prosecute all piracy and copyright violations to the fullest extent of the law.

All Evolution Series Products shall not be resold.

Products marked as NFR (Not For Resale) may only be used for demonstration, reviewing or testing.
EDU (educational ) products – products marked as EDU may only be used by the authorized institution, their teachers, pupils and students for education purposes but not for commercial production. EDU versions are not allowed to be resold or distributed in any way.