Chronicles Inti

$199.00 USD

Chronicles – Inti

Four captivating South American wind and string instruments, performed by renowned instrumentalist Cesar Marin

Authentic South American sounds

– Captivating South American winds and strings: panflute, quena, charango, and ronroco

– Highly expressive performances from renowned instrumentalist Cesar Marin

– Multiple playable techniques and unique textural performances

A breath of fresh air

Freshen up your music with the breathy panflute and quena, or add a dash of energy with the charango and ronroco. Chronicles – Inti offers a tour through South American musical traditions, guided by renowned Chilean multi-instrumentalist Cesar Marin. Multiple playable techniques and unique textural performances, captured in world-class detail, make this library as versatile as it is deep.

For more information please click here:

Chronicles Inti Product Page

**Note: This product works with the latest free version of Kontakt 7


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